Sons of Anarchy premiered its second season this week on FX (yes, i forgot it was a channel too).
it's nice seeing a classic heart-throb (Charlie Hunnam) with unstylishly unstyled long locks and a thick neck (no skinny jeans and colorful coy-fish forearms here, nope!)
Ron Perlman (Hellboy) is formidably sized enough to sorta pull off club president, but Katy Segal (Peg Bundy) really shines as his wifey. her clothes are always a little perfectly too tight, too low, too sheer; her novelty accessories from Hot Topic meets JC Penney; her skunky post-punk dye-job 5 years behind the time (unless you hang in certain east Detroit burbs) -- and she wears it all really well on a killer 50+ year old bod.
and HENRY ROLLINS debuts as a competitive white separatist, dapper in minimalist skinhead workwear.
despite the wardrobe department attempt to rough these guys up, they look pretty clean for the most part: shampooed hair, strategically placed tattoos, newish leather, good teeth, good skin. although a couple of the older dudes do appear to be real alcoholics. the youngish women who show up as extras in the rowdy "clubhouse" scenes actually look most authentic, with imperfect bodies, tackier attempts at trash glamour and glazed expressions. too bad you only see them for brief flickers between getting mock cunnilingus and just plain drunk with the boys. ah well.
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